I am using the latest web browser version of Internet Explorer which is I.E. 10, however it keeps crashing on my Win Vista computer. Is there any compatibility issues with Vista and I.E. 10? If so, can anyone recommend the latest web browser which would be more compatible with my OS?
Compatibility issues with latest web browsers
Hello Dorothy C Hoskin,
Yes, there is a compatibility issue with Internet Explorer 10 and Windows Vista. According to Computerworld, Internet Explorer 10 is only available for Windows 7. Therefore your only solution would be to downgrade it to Internet Explorer 9, change to a new explorer like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome or upgrade to Windows 7.
You can read the article here.
Hope this helps.
Compatibility issues with latest web browsers
Hi Dorothy,
I think I can be very able to help you in solving your query, indeed there are compatibility issues of I.E 10 with Win 7, in that it really doesn't load the RSS feeds. What you may need to do is to check the cache settings or cookies. You may also consider uninstalling the whole browser then reinstalling it.
The best browser I would recommend with Windows 7 however is Mozilla Firefox 4.0 or later. Download it from the Mozilla website and follow the prompts to install. It will give you an option to import the settings from the Internet Explorer or any other browser and you can fully start using it.
I hope this solves your query.
Compatibility issues with latest web browsers
Hello Dorothy,
The Internet Explorer 10 does not support Windows vista properly, because it follows the same development schedule of Internet Explorer 9. It will be possible for the next when Microsoft shifts Windows vista into an extended support phase. Microsoft will allow Internet Explorer 10 to install when you push it to the web developer for testing your operating platform.