My R.A.T 9 gaming mouse is giving me trouble. When I try to connect it to the computer, the device either refuses to do so, or the connection is very flimsy. The receiver is seen by the computer and has power, the RAT turns on, but they don´t connect. However, if I start pressing random buttons, I sometimes get the green light (connection established) for a couple of seconds, and then everything goes back to red (no connectivity). Is the issue with the RAT or the computer? How do I fix it?
Wireless connection problems on a MAD CATZ R.A.T 9 Mouse
I don’t think the problem is with your computer. If the USB receiver and the mouse itself don’t connect then there is a problem with your device. Since you are using a wireless mouse, your mouse should automatically connect with the USB receiver when you turn on the mouse. Check if the battery is still good.
Sometimes when the battery of a wireless mouse gets weak, the mouse pointer gets awkwardly sluggish and you can barely move it across the screen. And if the battery gets very weak, the mouse will not work. If you are using a rechargeable battery, check if the battery is full. But if the battery is fully charged and the mouse still can’t connect with the receiver, I think it’s time to replace the mouse.
But since you are using R.A.T. 9 gaming mouse, there shouldn’t be a problem with the battery because it is installed with 2 custom-built lithium-ion battery where both battery works hand in hand. While the first battery powers the mouse, the second one charges itself in the dock which lets the user perform a “hot swap”.