IE add-on FlDbg9e.ocx needed to run flash games

Asked By 1170 points N/A Posted on -


I browse the internet everyday. I went into a site and found out some interesting games.

I cannot play the games and error came forward that says FlDbg9e.ocx error.

I don't have any idea on this file, what I did is, I restarted my computer.

When I am back, still I cant play the games.

I am using Microsoft Windows Home edition with service pack 3.

Internet Explorer

The following add-on was running when this problem occurred:

Add-on Name: FlDbg9e.ocx

Company Name: Adobe System Incorporated

Description: Adobe Flash Player

Please help me and suggest what might be the problem, or did I miss some installation for me to be able to play the games. Your suggestion would spare me from thinking all over again.

Thanks friends.

Best Answer by Marie Williams
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #123825

IE add-on FlDbg9e.ocx needed to run flash games


Hello Jerrytom,

This notification means that the add-on FlDbg9e.ocx needed in order for you to play the game cannot be properly accessed using Adobe Flash Player. There are many possible source of this error. 

You must have downloaded or installed several files with the same name such that the older files are replaced by newer downloads and now incompatible with game. Another source could be corruption of the said file due to an error that occurred during its download. You can download and install the game again for this.

If doing so, still cannot fix the error, then it is possible that the original file provided by the website itself is corrupted. If this is the case, you can download special designed professional error repair software. If this still doesn't work, then contact the website which provided the game.

Another probability would be that the file address was changed and therefore cannot be found by Adobe Flash Player. This may happen due to accidental uninstallation, transfer of file. It is also possible that your hard disk, where you save your files, itself have been corrupted by virus or incorrect usage. To fix this, you must check your hard disk if it needs reformatting or even replacement.

Answered By 0 points N/A #123827

IE add-on FlDbg9e.ocx needed to run flash games


Hi Jerrytom,

This may help you to your problem.

Your computer doesn't have the version of  flash player required for playing that kind of game. Maybe you have the lower version. You can download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player here Install this and  hope you can play your game.

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