How can i change the orientation of YOUTUBE Videos ?

How can i change the orientation of YOUTUBE Videos?
It's a mobile video uploaded to youtube play in upside vew

How can i change the orientation of YOUTUBE Videos?
It's a mobile video uploaded to youtube play in upside vew
Go to YouTube Editor, click on the video and look for the rotate button on the task bar. Then rotate the picture. Â Save the changes by publishing. The video is fixed right away.
You can also opt for other video editing software like Windows Movie Maker, AVS Video Editor.
1. Import the file.
2. Select the file using the editing software
3. Go to Edit Taskbar and select rotate left or rotate right twice.
4. Upload the edited version.
To modify your uploaded YouTube video's orientation, use the Rotate function of YouTube. Follow the steps below to do it:
1. Launch YouTube and login to your account.
2. Go to the Video Manager interface. You can find various options such as Video Editor. Click on it and rotate your YouTube video.
3. Drag your uploaded video to the video editing area and start editing. Move your mouse to the video and you will see the Rotate icon. Click it to rotate your video to the correct orientation and click to Save.
You can also use some Video Editor software. Try the Wondershare Video Editor with built-in editing features.