What is AB testing when it comes to Adsense?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have been hearing this a lot as A/B testing what does this mean and why should we do this?

Is this to develop some new stuff in Adsense?

Best Answer by Watts Hohn
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Answered By 0 points N/A #156325

What is AB testing when it comes to Adsense?


Hello, good day.

Google Adsense’s A/B Testing is one of their procedure of comparing two or more situations. This comparison is usually about how your ad looks on your website. For example, you have an ad that is 728×90 in size and the other one is 468×60. Now, A/B Testing is now responsible in collecting information whether your ads are more clickable using the bigger size compared to the smaller one, or vice versa.

The results of this testing are to know what are the impact of the differences in between ads and how it affects its click rate so that you will know what the format of the ad you should use or not.

I hope this helps.

Answered By 5 points N/A #156326

What is AB testing when it comes to Adsense?



You must have heard of browser compatibility testing. This is done to check how web application looks on the browsers. In case of AdSense we need to test the look and feel of the advertisements. A/B testing is the testing techniques to check, how the ads will look like finally. You can test the ads and finally you can make the required changes before you commit them and make them live on your websites or any blog for pay per click business.

Waters Magner

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