Daily hundreds of software are being developed and released in the market. Each of them has their own value, purpose, functionalities, and services. The process of developing these software involves certain phases in which testing the software is one phase. After the coding of the software is done, there comes the phase of testing. A process of executing a code, to find errors or software bugs in a program or in an application is known as Software testing. It also includes the validation and verification process where we need to check whether the final application or software satisfies the user, company, technical requirements which were discussed at the time of requirements specification. It is to check whether the user is satisfied with the software produced.

The one who tests the software is called Software Tester. He tries to find the bugs in the system. You can’t find software without bugs. Tester does his job in two ways. First is checking each and every line of code for the errors semantically, runtime errors, compilation errors, etc. He charges for no of lines he has tested. The other way is to check the software by using different software testing tools.

To write automation scripts, you can find many tools on the market. Based on the process activities there are different types of test tools.
Based on the supported set of tools, and on the software testing activities, the tools are grouped. For example, there are different tools for different mode and aspects of testing, such as, tools which are used to support static testing, and other tools for activities that support management of the software.
These tools are open source and available in the market to use. Though many of the tools support and perform many functions and services, there are also tools called a ‘point solution’ which perform only limited and specific tasks. For example, to support for managing testing, traceability, progress monitoring, configuration management of test ware, requirements management, a ‘test management’ tool is used. Similarly, support for the test design and measurement of coverage, there may be another tool.
Today here we will learn about some testing tools available on the market for various purposes. For applications or systems based on Android, Java, Maveryx tool is used. It is supported on Linux, Windows. Rational Functional Tester is used on Mobile, HTML, Windows, NET, GUI¸ Swing, and web. It is supported on Linux, iOS, Windows, and Android. QF-Test is a test that is used on the Web, Swing, Java¸ JavaFX¸ SWT¸ Eclipse, and mobile applications. It is supported on Linux, Windows.
Testing using these tools may be a costly process but gives much better results than the manual testing process. As computer don’t make mistakes such as an absence of mind at times, ignoring a line of code or a bug mistakenly, etc. If it is huge software and requires more care, it is better to use tools.