Do I need to replace my monitor? When I turn on my Desktop I am sure that it boots normally and I can hear the sound so I can really say that my computer is working fine except the monitor. Is this somewhat related to software or my monitor needs to be replaced?
No Signal display on monitor
The best thing you can do is to purchase a new monitor and replace the old one. And ensure that you will just let anything fix by a licensed technician. Do not ever ask someone who doesn't have enough experience on the same matter or you will just make things worst. There are many technicians who can repair it especially if they have enough knowledge on monitor issues.
No Signal display on monitor
Thank you very much Protonix_x. You were right, after trying my monitor in other computer, it's obviously the problem. I had the monitor checked and found out that I really have to replace it. Thank you again. Thanks TechyV!