PowerDesigner Error: Table or view not found

Asked By 1000 points N/A Posted on -

Hi all,

There was a catastrophic event that happened in our system. Almost all of our system was down due to infiltration of virus, when the system is up and running.

As I am working with the database for some queries, I meet this error that pop-up my screen, that said table or view not found.

PowerDesigner – Error

[Sybase][ODBC Driver][ ODBC SQL Server Driver ][ Table or view not found: Table ‘PMUSER’ not found


Right after this message, we investigated the reason for this error. We suspected it to be for some database malfunction or what we call database partial crush.

We cannot restore the back-up ,since it is data from yesterday and a lot of inputs were done today. I am now asking for some suggestions on how to repair our database that will not erase some data.


Answered By 5 points N/A #123197

PowerDesigner Error: Table or view not found


If you use a plain text file, you have to keep all your event settings on consecutive lines. Not sure how that applied to SP file. Here it shows that the name of the missing table and the line number in the SQL statement where the error occurs.

Similarly, in a one-line SQL statement you can see the asterisk highlighting the name of the unknown table:

SQL>select*fromuser_tables a,non_existent_table b wherea.table_name =b.table_name;
select*fromuser_tables a,non_existent_table b wherea.table_name =b.table_name                              
* ERROR at line 1: ORA-00942:tableorviewdoes notexist

If you are using a SQL browsing tool like TOAD or TORA, it will help you with ORA errors by highlighting or moving the cursor to where you made your error.

Copy and paste your SQL in to one of these tools to help.

You may find the analysis information available useful too.

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