I believe you know if a dialog box of Internal error unexpectedly shows, there are a number of internal troubles occur in the program.
I need to solve this error.
Internal Error An internal error occurred exceptions.IndexError: list index out of range The program will try to continue but might behave in unexpected ways. Please consider restarting the program to avoid such side effects.
To help us fixing the error in future versions relevant information including:
Please help.
 Thanks a lot.
Internal troubles occur in the program
You did not say anything about the name of the application you are using when the error appeared. There are many reasons why an internal error occurs. One is that, you did not wait for the application to finish what it is doing when you started another task. This can cause a conflict in the program. Usually, programs need to wait for the current instruction or task to finish before it can start accepting a new task load. This is how a program works.
Try restarting the application you are using. Maybe the next time you start it, it will work fine. Or you may try uninstalling the application and then install it back. This will fix any corrupted files in the installation and will restore the settings back to default.