YouTube has been asking me to change my channel name to another Google name which I suppose is my Gmail name. But my channel name is good it’s famous. I have difficulties in accessing some YouTube features and I don’t know if the name is the cause. Is it a must to change it?
Can’t comment on YouTube without Google+
You should delete your browser's cache and cookies it may help lessen the issue, remove your Google+ profile, which can help.
You must also consider that doing this does really mean that you're deleting your G+ profile, so utilize it for owns risk. Those user who have linked their YouTube and G+ profiles will affect your channel.
You can deactivate the G+ profile and activate it later, if you haven't yet linked your G+
Can’t comment on YouTube without Google+
If you really like your channel name on YouTube. You can also create or sign up a Google account for that specific name for YouTube has this new update that is connected with Google. It maybe has its cons but it also has its perks. You can share your comments with a lot of people or even specific friends or group of people that you want.
Can’t comment on YouTube without Google+
This is the new look of Youtube. It was designed by Google. There is no other way to avoid it but to use Google+. I personally hate it myself. There is also a petition about it in change.org. I hope you also sign it.