Can’t see my Fb profile!

Hi all, Today I’m posting a problem about Fb. I am seeing a “Page Not Found” error message whenever I try to view a friend’s profile or my own profile.
What should i do now ? I need some help.
Thanks a lot.

Hi all, Today I’m posting a problem about Fb. I am seeing a “Page Not Found” error message whenever I try to view a friend’s profile or my own profile.
What should i do now ? I need some help.
Thanks a lot.
Try refreshing the page that you are viewing. If need be sign out and sign back in. you can take a screen shot of your page error and forward it to FaceBook technical support at Sometimes the computer itself needs to be restarted so that the internet can reset and the temporary files and caches can erase themselves. You can also visit:
Download the program then install it, open the program, click scan, then after click fix. After the program has completed the scan and fix restart your computer and try to log in again.
Hello Dear,
You have to take care of one thing. It is necessary to be logged in to your account if you want to see a friend's profile or your profile.
If you want to see a page’s profile, then you can view it without logging in.
Sometimes, FaceBook removes some profiles and accounts which have illegal material on it, such as sexual pictures, videos and other things.
I hope you have understood the problem. Thanks.