Error1055 occurred at Property Node in FRC

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Recently I have attempted to use a Control System. I have done so on a recently bought computer which contains the LabVIEW software. There appears some instructions on p. 2 of the manual of "Using the FRC Framework" .

I followed all those instructions accurately. Nevertheless, I have to face the following error message 1055 as I attempt to create a new project.

The screen shot of the error message is as given here below.

Error 1055 occurred at Property Node in FRC Create>FRC Wizarf –


Error 1055 occurred at Property Node in FRC

Create >FRC Wizarf –

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW: Object reference is invalid.

Do you know how to fix it up? I am badly in need of help of an expert.

Please help ASAP.

Answered By 5 points N/A #150354

Error1055 occurred at Property Node in FRC


Hello Mr. Jadei Powel,


  1. Please delete the object from Sub-VI. It is awarding your error.
  2. Cut and paste the objects from VI, it is the logic of your problem.
  3. There are several obscure configuration factors, or you operated the defective type in my reference or object like this.
  4. You can find the display reference in ParentVI is not wired to the Sub VI.
  5. It will work after pasting the new objects.


Thanks very much.

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