Error occurred using an IDS Eye camera

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I am using an IDS u Eye camera and accessing it through a direct show driver in vision acquisition software. I am receiving a windows kernel error when I try to open the camera for the first time from an application instance.

The same error occurs if I want to open the camera from MAX or running a LabVIEW code. The error does not pop up if I run the Lab VIEW code as a built executable.

IDS u Eye camera

NIMax.exe – Vstupni bod nebyl nalezen


Answered By 0 points N/A #176357

Error occurred using an IDS Eye camera


Hello Edith

Vstupni bod nebyl nalezen it means "Entry point not found"

"This behavior can occur because a function that is contained in a dynamic-link library (.dll) file attempts to call the (SetHandleContext) application programming interface (API). However, this API does not exist in the Windows 2000 version of the Kernel32.dll file, which results this error."

That was a quote from Microsoft help pages it means that there is an Error with your .dll files which can be found in system 32, there for some of your programs does not start.

To deal with this Error you must run a scan check using a software to do that or scan for the missing file yourself.

To do the scan yourself go to system 32 in your windows folder and search for the file that is mentioned in the Error "tbb.dll"

If you find it then delete it and download it again from this site, and copy paste the .dll file to system 32, if you did not find the .dll file then download it and paste it in system 32.

This should solve the problem.

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