Hello experts,
Is it possible to switch my Home Internet connection to my mobile connection for laptops? Do I need a VoIP service for this? Also, if I have a 500MB Internet usage, can I make free calls? If so, how long will the call last?
Switch my Home Connection to Mobile Connection
Hello Taylor
You should know that you don't make calls through the internet so you 500 MB will not get affected when calling, unless you are using whatsapp or Viper or any Othere app that use internet connection to call other phones.
Another thing you should know is 500 MB compared to a phone browser it could last for more than a month, but compared to a computer or laptop 500 MB can be spent in less than 5 hours so I really advise you not to swap your home internet connection.
Keep your mobile 500 MB for emergence times where you need internet but don't have a WiFi or LAN connection.