Relation between seo and metatags
Meta tags are usually found within the head section of an HTML document. In the past, they were used so that search engines can identify what your web page is about and used to correct common misspellings of your keywords when people search for your site.Meta tags can be used as a SEO strategy to gain more page views and traffic to your site – like for example, you can use a description tag that will provide a short description (usually 400 characters or maybe less) of the page that the search engines can use. Also, a good description can attract users to your webpage or site. Another, like the keyword tag allows the author to define keywords that are related to his website’s content. Sometimes search engines use these to occupy their indexes thus helps in gaining more traffic.
Relation between seo and metatags
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the process of improving the visibility of a particular website web page or search engine, by natural means or unpaid means, the higher the SEO the more the website is exposed to search and visibility of other website.
On the other hand meta tags are important for SEO because it helps in the SEO, meta tags are small snippets of information code that are found between tags and are important part of the HTML document that your trying to promote or market on the website.
It is use to raise the rank of the SEO, it is a valuable tool on promoting your website.