Hi, I am facing a regular Winsock error whenever I am trying to upload a new webpage package. I checked the Passive Firewall button and all the possible options, but still can’t get the source of error. For your information, my ISP is valid and fine for access through CuteFTP as well. Can anyone solve this strange problem of mine?
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Getting Winsock Error with WebEasy 8
Make sure your network is working fine. You can try to uninstall and reinstall your network driver by doing these following steps:
Click on my computer
Device manager
Network adapters
(If there are any yellow circle with a ! that means your drivers are not working)
High light the driver and right click
Choose uninstall and then reinstall
Winsock is part of your operating system that allows you to access the internet this is also called windows socket which sometimes experience problems or get stuck and can freeze up your computer. This could sometimes be fixed by rebooting your computer but if it doesn't solve the issue you can do these following steps:
Restart your computer
Upon restart press F8 to enter boot menu
Select Safe mode with networking
Click ok
Close all programs except the browser
Look for free Winsock download online
If you cannot find Winsock fix online try downloading it on another computer using flash drive to the one with errors
Extract it in your computer
Run fix to your computer and it fix the Winsock bug
Normally reboot your PC and check