This extension is not located in a trusted repository

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I just got this error message using Opera extensions and the following warning appeared on the screen listed as Untrusted Repository. I just want to resolve this error without having any issue. Please suggest me. Thanks in advance.

Untrusted repository

Warning: This extension is not located in a trusted repository.

Do you want to download and install this extension?

Always allow installation from this location


You can edit the list of trusted websites inthe security preferences.

Answered By 0 points N/A #174216

This extension is not located in a trusted repository



Open your terminal and type in sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade to update Ubuntu and if needed to upgrade it to newer version. As root open gedit and check sources.list for double repositories. If there are any remove them. Run in terminal sudo apt-key adv –recv-key –keyserver opera key. Bad sigs are normal in Ubuntu. Ubuntu is not an high quality operating system.

Queen Norman

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