Why is frostwire so slow?

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Why is frostwire so slow? Seriously? When I click on something, it looks like nothing is happening. Also, sometimes when I type in something, I already finished typing the name of the singer but it appears like I am still typing real slow!

Best Answer by Kalt Yup
Answered By 0 points N/A #164020

Why is frostwire so slow?


Hi Walter! Are you using a Mac or a PC? If you're using a Mac, it might be that your connection is too slow or you're running a lot of programs along with the use of Frostwire. 

If you're using a PC, your computer might have a virus. Maybe it would be best if you would perform a virus scan on your computer using an Anti-Virus program. AVG and Avast are both good. 

If both solutions fail, try to reinstall Frostwire and reset your internet connection.



Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #164021

Why is frostwire so slow?


Frostwire could be slow due to many issues.

Normally, downloading speed is limited by the bandwidth of the uploader as well as the downloader. Generally, a file cannot be sent faster than the capability of sending it, nor can it be sent faster than the capability of receiving it.

A general slow down also could be occurring due to memory management issues. So you could easily change the listening port manually. It could be done through the given path. You can set the manual port address into a value that you know.

Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Firewall

You can also try the method of initializing the search pool again. It can be done with the given path,

Tools -> Options -> Searching -> Reset

Another method of fixing the problem is restarting Frostwire.

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