Hello Techyv Users,
I need to fix the performance issues with the Absolute Manage caused by database corruption, by removing the local cached database. I am using Windows XP, Please advise me with the process on, how to delete Absolute Manage local cached database.
Waiting for a solution,
Jeffrey M Cardenas
How to delete Absolute Manage local cached database
Hi Jeffrey,
The steps to delete the absolute manage local cached database are as follows:
1) Quit the Absolute Manage Admin running on the system
2) Open the Windows explorer in the current system
3) Go to '%APPDATA%Pole Position SoftwareLANrev Admin' path in the system
4) Delete the 'Database' folder present in the above mentioned path
5) Relauch the absolute manage admin in the system
6) It will resync the entire database with the current system
7) User can access the data from the database without the unnecessary files