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1090 points
Posted on - 07/14/2011
Hi, I'm posting my problem here regarding my internet explorer, I am browsing the internet, all of a sudden, an error message appeared on my screen that said Errors on this webpage might cause it to work incorrectly, posted herewith the complete error message screen shot.
Errors on this webpage might cause it to work incorrectly
To see this message in the future, double click the warning icon on the status bar.
Object doesn’t support this property or method
Nano_packaged.js Line: 1 Code: 0 Char: 15923
This is my first time to encounter this error, I already restarted my computer in hope to get rid of this error message, but right after I booted my computer, and started to browse the internet again, the message above appeared, I don't have any idea to solved this error message,
Hope to hear some solutions, thanks in advance.
Errors on this web page might cause it to work incorrectly
There are number of reasons why the page is not loading correctly. It might be that there is a compatibility issue, or you have the incorrect URL.
Here are some steps you might want to try.
If you're using the most recent version which is IE8, it has a compatibility feature to accommodate older versions of websites.
Click on the icon to enable it.
If it still does not resolve the issue, try to check the add-ons on you Internet explorer. They could also cause these problems.
Open Internet Explorer, click on Tools, and click on Manage Add-ons.
Disable all add-ons. Then try launching Internet Explorer again.
Next area we will cover is to optimize your internet explorer. Empty all cache, delete cookies and browsing history.
and the last step that we will be doing is to reset your browser.
Close all programs
Open Internet Explorer, click on Tools, choose Internet options, then dialog box would appear, click "Reset"
Click reset thrice just to be sure. Then, close all boxes and close your browser.
Open Internet Explorer again, and hopefully it resolves the concern.
Errors on this web page might cause it to work incorrectly
Actually, if you are using Windows Internet Explorer to browse the web I’m sure you are already aware or you are used to having errors. I think the reason for this is the security being executed in the web browser itself. If you are using Microsoft Windows XP then you should be having Windows Internet Explorer 6 by default.
Windows Internet Explorer 6 was released on August 27, 2001 with Microsoft Windows XP and it is primarily centered on privacy and security because they happen to be the main concern of customers. I also experienced these errors when I was still using this version. Though I receive errors on the browser, I just ignore them since the website appears normal.
The errors somehow lessen when I upgraded my web browser to version 8 and this is the latest and last upgrade on Windows Internet Explorer for Windows XP. Download Windows Internet Explorer 8.0. Once downloaded, you don’t need to actually remove the existing Windows Internet Explorer. And besides, it cannot be uninstalled like Windows Media Player.
Just launch the downloaded installer for Windows Internet Explorer 8 and it will upgrade the existing Windows Internet Explorer 6 to version 8.0. One thing though, to be able to upgrade to Windows Internet Explorer 8 you need to have Windows XP Service Pack 3. It will not install on Service Pack 2 and lower.