What is resource conflict during POSTand what causes it?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I am reviewing for my basic hardware and software exam. I need to pass it to be able to work as a technical support for a certain company.

I searched the internet and encounter the word "Resource Conflict". What is a resource conflict during POST and what are the possible solution to fix this problem? I have no idea about it. Can you help me have some?


Answered By 0 points N/A #102277

What is resource conflict during POSTand what causes it?


Resource conflict occurs in the computer system when two or more computer devices try to utilize the same resource at the same time. When we say resources we may be referring to the computer’s memory, hard disks, network adapters, sound cards and any other shared resource by the computer. The computer uses a system of requesting for a resource first to make sure it is unutilized by sending an interrupt request which is IRQ. You will find that each of the computer’s components are assigned an IRQ line. This is a number assigned to the component to tell the computer that a certain computer wants to use a certain resource. So when two components share the same IRQ number a resource conflict occurs. 

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