Safari updates causing problem with a photocopier

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

Hi there,

I recently updated my Safari browser to 10.6.7 and since then it has been problematic to print from my wireless Toshiba photocopier, I have tried rolling back to the previous version but it seems not to work, what could be causing this problem?

Answered By points N/A #145365

Safari updates causing problem with a photocopier



Safari is one of the best browsers on the world. But it becomes problematic too.

Here are the ways that will help you fix your issue.

1. Reset Safari

Sometimes, Safari becomes problematic when temporary resources becomes corrupted and make the browser crash. You can easily fix this issue by resetting the browser.

From the Safari menu, choose “Reset Safari”.

2. Adjust bitness

You can run Safari in compatibility mode for 32-bit or 64-bit. To do this, find out in the Finder. Select it and press Command-I to get info about it. You can test both 32-bit and 64-bit mode to fix it.

3. Remove add-ons

Add-ons are one of the major trouble making components. Go to Safari’s Security preferences and uncheck enable plug-ins.

Your problem should have gone now.

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