Hi there,
I have been experiencing problems with my Dell Inspiron one2020-V241124IN8, it runs for some time then it goes off and won't restart unless I unplug the power cable, press the start button without power connected, plug the power cable back then switch it on, at this moment it will start, what could be the problem and how can I fix it?
Computer going off and failing to restart
It is evident that there is some problem with your SMPS, which is the device which controls the amount of power supply going into your computer.
The problem can also be caused by the malfunction of the fan at the back of the CPU cabinet. If the fan is not working then the system is automatically shutting down after overheating.
When you turn on the computer, check the fan at the back of the cabinet to ensure that it is working properly
Consult a skilled engineer who can take a look at your computer physically and address the problem
This is not a software based problem and cannot be solved by changing the system configuration in any way