Password for a PDF Document

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -

Hi there

I converted my word document to pdf document. How do i setup a password for a pdf document?

Any help would be appreciated!


Answered By 0 points N/A #106962

Password for a PDF Document


To protect your PDF files, follow the steps below:

1. Launch the PDF file that you wish to protect. Open it through Adobe Acrobat.

2. Under the File tab, select the Document Security.

3. Select the Acrobat Standard Security under the Security Options.

4. Check the Password Required to Open Document check box.

5. Type your password. If you want to add a password to alter the permissions/ protection, just check that box again and type a password. Remember that it should not be the same with the first password you created.



Answered By 30 points N/A #106963

Password for a PDF Document



I need to protect my pdf files from my really annoying cousins who would be very happy to intrude my privacy. I didn’t knew how to protect it using passwords so I used to put it in a zipped folder and then add a password, it worked but problem was that whenever I want to open it i have to unzip it, then after use I have to zip it again. It’s really too much. Thanks to "Jopi.desk" for helping me password-protect my pdf files and there by save my time from zipping-unzipping process and also from my stalker cousins!

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