Screen resolution problem after game crash

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hi there,

I have a Dell Inspiron Desktop which is running on Windows 8.1, last night I was playing NFS most wanted and the game crashed severally, my screen resolution has changed dramatically and I have very large Icons which are not fitting the screen properly, I have tried to restart the computer to get the icons displaying properly, Display is stuck on 800 x 600, there are no other options available, how do I get display back to normal? What could be the problem and how do I solve it?

Answered By 0 points N/A #199655

Screen resolution problem after game crash


Hi !

You have to uninstall your video card software with all components and reinstall it and making new settings. Also try to search if are any updates on your video card software and install.

If you are using ATI video card change your resolution from "Catalyst" and if you have Nvidia video card change it from "Nvidia control panel".

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