Asked By
1290 points
Posted on - 07/21/2011
Greetings to all,
I have a post here regarding my problem in Lotus Notes, every time I am switching to the calendar view I see the following error: Abstract Content Provider Job Post Collect UIJob' has encountered a problem.
‘Abstract Content Provider Job Post Collect UIjob’ has
encountered a problem.
The pasted error screen message above, usually happens when I am switching to the two day or one week summary view, it seems to be very hard to me not to switch my calendar, I already read on the help function of lotus notes, but there is no topic about this error,
Please share your views on this error message,
Thanks a lot.
Abstract Content Provider has encountered a problem.
This error message will pop-up once you have switch from 2 days period or one week summary view. By switching to a different view, and back-up all the file to all document view but this is temporary fix. We can't be sure when this error message strikes back again. The solution above is just temporary but you can still work around and hang on it until you want.
In resolving the problem in a long term basis then do the upgrade. You need to upgrade in Notes/Domino up to the latest version. There is already software available that can be downloaded and fixed in 8.5.2 Fix Pack 2 and 8.5.3. Unlike before, it is not yet ready for download and what you need is the CD driver provided by your vendor. I have a website below that you can explore. This will definitely help you solve the problem.
You can try visit this website for detailed information, it has an upgrade link to fix specific problem.
See this link: