Hi everyone,
How to convert MP3 to DTS player? I got some mp3 files that want to be loaded into a DTS Player, is it possible for me making it done accordingly? There are things that need to be discovered in the world of information technology. I hope you can help me.
How to convert mp3 to dts player?
It is possible to convert MP3 into DTS format. I'll give you the instructions in brief. But you should have some knowledge about the subject in order to perform the task.
1. This task needs a better audio editor with advanced functions in order to do the task.
2. You also need a software that can encode DTS.
3. With the help of the above software you can perform the task. All you have to do is to follow the tutorial that I have linked below. You will be provided with advanced techniques with visual presentations to perform the task.
4. The success of the task depends on the accuracy that you follow all the instructions.
5. The software mentioned in the below website can be replaced with any software if it has the ability to do the encoding and other required tasks as needed.
How to convert mp3 to dts player?
DTS is a file format for digital audio surround sound. If you have an MP3 audio file that you want to convert a DTS file, you need to support an audio converter, the DTS output.
1) SurCode for Dolby Digital Stereo Encoder and Decoder is an audio conversion program to convert DTS MP3 for you.
2) You can also use "Sony soundforgepro" to convert MP3 files to DTS.
3) You can download the full version of "Sony soundforgepro" http://www.magix.com/us/sound-forge/?utm_source=sonycreativesoftware&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=redirect
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How to convert mp3 to dts player?
First, you have to know that MP3 is an audio compression format which use 2 channels, while DTS is a format which use 6 channels (5.1). So converting DTS to MP3 can easily be done (by losing 4 channels) but converting from MP3 to DTS can result in a very bad sound quality (you have to create 4 new channels). Converting from MP3 to DTS can be done as follows :
1. First download GoldWave (or any similar software).
2. Install this software and open the selected file by clicking on File/Open.
3. Browse and add the selected file, then convert the file to Wav Ac3 channel format by clicking on.
4. Choose now .wav ac3 48khz and save.
5. Now, you have to convert the new file from a .wav ac3 6 channels to a DTS 6 channels. For that, you have to download SurCode for Dolby Digital Stereo Encoder and Decoder (or any similar software).
6. Install it, and then encode the selected file.
Enjoy the music now!