Having problem while running EJB Application

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi tech professionals,

This is weird problem, not able to find a solution myself. Tech professionals, I am seeking your help to solve this error. The error occurred while I am running EJB Application. Guessing this error might be with file path or with the class structure, not sure where it went wrong. Help me to fix it.

Launching ‘EJB Application client’ has encountered a problem.

Exception occurred executing command line.

Answered By 0 points N/A #179118

Having problem while running EJB Application


This error table appears because you have made a mistake in the source code. You have to do try and catch to find all the possible mistakes in the source. Here you have the example of how can you do it. This will not let you make any mistake and the error will not appear anymore. Here you can see an example of how to make a try and catch:

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