In connecting server using SSH
In connecting server using SSH
SSH stands for Secure Shell. It is a UNIX-based command interface and protocol that will give you a secure connection over a remote computer. SSH allows you to connect to your server securely and perform Linux command-line operations. It is actually a suite of three utilities – slogin, ssh, and scp – that are secure versions of the earlier UNIX utilities, rlogin, rsh, and rcp.
And if you wonder on why you should use SSH for your connection to your server, the answer is for security reasons. Intruders use different “sniffing” techniques to intercept or capture your login information such as password and username. All your login information are securely encrypted in SSH that’s why those intruders can’t intercept any information that passes over to your network. If you require more information about enabling or setting up an SSH connection, see (mt) | Support / KnowledgeBase | Connecting via SSH to your server, and | Using SSH to connect securely.