Reasonable filtering rules for Kernel-based Packet Screen

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

For a kernel-based packet screen, what are the applicable/reasonable filtering rules for these?

Answered By 95 points N/A #130556

Reasonable filtering rules for Kernel-based Packet Screen


For a Kernel based packet screen, there are reasonably four filter rules which can be applied.

I am providing details of four, which are specifically written on Linux for ipfwadm.One is welcome to use these rules/principles on any others for packet screening on open source Unix systems .

The filer rules which can be applied are:


Packet Accounting


Input firewall


Output firewall


Forwarding firewall

Please remember that, ipfwadm also has capabilities of masquerading (-M) . Please look on ipfwadm main page for further information on switches and options.

Check the link- to understand further about rules which can be applied for kernel based packet screen. Also and can be checked for further understanding as well.

I guess that should get you the things sorted out.


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