Error comes out when using EPIM Archiver (German)

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hello experts.

I'm still having trouble with EPIM Archiver. I get this error all the time.

It doesn't matter whether I use an old database (packed with full stuff) or create a new one.

The error still comes out.

Please help me solve this. Thanks in advance.


EssentiaIPIM.exe – Einsprungpunkt nicht gefunden
Der Prozedureinsprungpunkt
"?countFactories@ICUService@icu_3_0@@IBEJXZ" wurde in der DLL
"icuuc30.dll" nicht gefunden.

Answered By 0 points N/A #96440

Error comes out when using EPIM Archiver (German)



The problem you are facing is that your database is not working properly so you have the option due to which this problem is occurring is that the database you are using might not have the same issue.
The issue is with your domain on which you have created the database as you have seen that if you created the new database the problem still arise so you have to check why the domain is not creating the proper database.
Confirm it whether the domain you are using support the database of such type if yes then check in the domain and reset the settings of the domain and then again create the database this will work and solve your problem otherwise you have to check your domain is working properly or not.
This is the solution hope you will help in solving your issue.

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