Issue in logging on to the VCenter machine

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello all!

Recently, we upgraded to VCetner 4.1 from 2.5. All has gone well except creating of host profiles.

The error is not about the upgrade of the VCenter or the database.

But, I’m getting the following error while trying to log on the VCenter machine.

The error box that comes is attached below.


A general system error occurred : Error retrieving the field PROFILE_NAME

Error Stack

Call "HostProfle.UpdateReferenceHost" for object "hostprofile-902" on vCenter Sever "e

A Kerberos Error Message was received:
on logon session 
Client Time: 
Server Time: 18:0:5.0000 9/10/2010 Z
Extended Error: 0xc0000035 KLIN(0)
Client Realm: 
Client Name: 
Server Name: MSSQLSvc/<server name>.<domain name>.local:1433
Target Name: MSSQLSvc/<server name>.<domain name>.local:1433@<domain     name>.LOCAL
Error Text: 
File: 9
Line: e2d
Error Data is in record data.

Any solution about this would be great

Thanks in advance.

Answered By 5 points N/A #89972

Issue in logging on to the VCenter machine


 Dear Tricia,

Please ensure the below mentioned steps have been tried out in context to Profile Management.
The procedure will reveal the exact steps to create a profile, attach a profile, or update reference hosts from the cluster's context menu


  1. Right click a cluster and select Host Profile > Manage Profile, in the Hosts and Clusters view.

Perform one of the following actions, based on your host profile setup,

1a. Profile Status: The cluster is not attached to a host profile and no profile exists in your inventory.
1b. Result:  On being asked if you want to create a profile click on Yes and the Create Profile wizard  will be launched.

2a. Profile Status: The cluster is not attached to a host profile and one or more profiles exist in your inventory.
2b. Result:  This opens the Attach Profile dialog box. Select the profile you wish to attach and then click OK.

3a. Profile Status: The cluster is already attached to a host profile.
3b. Result:  Click Detach or click Change to attach a different profile to the cluster.

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