Two computers are connected with each other through DB25 connectors. If one computer has sent the data 0x240d to other computer then what value would be received from the other computer?
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You can check it. I hope this is a suitable answer. Data Received from receiver side will be:
EF, 07, A7, 17Â
Data Sent – Data Received
0d – EF
10 – 07
04 – A7
12 – 17
There are two bytes. Lower byte is 0d and Higher byte is 24.
As we know that data will be sent in nibble format, starting from lower Nibble towards the higher Nibble.
First byte
First lower nibble d will be sent as 0d
And receiver will receive it as 11101111 = EF
Next, Higher nibble 0 will be sent as
00000000 | 00010000 = 00010000 = 0x10
And receiver will receive it as:
00000111 = 07
Second byte
Now moving toward next higher byte which is 24
The lower nibble 4 will be send as 04
And receiver will receive it as 10100111 = A7
Next, Higher Nibble 2 will be sent as:
00000010 | 00010000 = 00010010 = 0x12
And receiver will receive it as:
00010111 = 17