I am trying to synchronise a Nokia X3 mobile with a PC running Vista via Bluetooth but failed. However, I have successfully paired them via Bluetooth.The two sync just fine via USB cable. Nevertheless, when I try to sync over Bluetooth, I am just getting a message appearing on the PC saying: “The connection between the PC and the phone failed error code 0x80044403’’.
The PC is running Vista Service Pack 2.The Bluetooth hardware is a HP integrated module with Bluetooth 2.0 Wireless, manufactured by Broadcom.I am helpless & stuck now. I can’t work with it please somebody help me?
Answered By
0 points
Nokia PC Suite sync failed Error code 0x80044403
Hi Mikel
I think this is the first time you are trying to synchronize your Nokia x3 mobile with PC, because these problems usually occur during first synchronization itself. Vista Service Pack 2 has always had a bad name for its poor performance and more vulnerability to problems like this.
You should try updating you cable drivers and PC Suite, and if the problem still persists or if you are already running on latest drivers then try switching to older drivers. Check for you Driver release number and find out any older driver of it and install it. This will work most of the times since, people make software's for some operating systems and meanwhile those operating systems are updated , so these kind of glitches do occur , But usually mosts of windows operating systems can support applications of the older versions but Vista is something which is unpredictable. Take an advice switch to XP or Windows 7.
Answered By
Mr. paul
0 points
Nokia PC Suite sync failed Error code 0x80044403
Nice to see this post. I like to give you a thank for that you explained your problem properly and submitted the error code.
Previously I found this problem with my Nokia E71. That time I found a Hotfix from Microsoft site. so now here I am giving you the KB article number so that you can download the Hotfix easily.
Please go through this link and download latest Hotfix and restart your computer. Please remove wallpaper from your computer and open PC Suite and try to connect.
Hope your problem will solve.
If your problem solved to see this article then please reply.