OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP Model are same

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List two ways in which the OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP Model are the same. Now, list two ways in which they differ.

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Answered By 5 points N/A #96340

OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP Model are same




Both models are based on layered protocols. 

Both have a network, transport, and application layer. In both models, the transport service can provide a reliable end-to-end byte stream. 

On the other hand, they differ in several ways. 

The number of layers is different, the TCP/IP does not have session or presentation layers, OSI do not support internetworking, and OSI has both connection-oriented and non-connection service in the network layer.

Answered By 0 points N/A #196102

OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP Model are same



Each of those styles depends on split methods. Both
equally contain a networking, transfer, and also program level. Within each version,
this   transfer services provides a
trusted end-to-end byte mode.
However, that they are different in a number of methods.
The amount of levels differs from the others, the
actual TCP/IP doesn't have period or even demonstration levels, OSI don't service
internetworking, and also OSI has got each connection-oriented as well as non-connection
services within the networking level.

Answered By 10 points N/A #196104

OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP Model are same



A few differences between OSI & TCP IP are as below.
1 . The OSI model originally distinguishes between service,interval and protocols. 
1.The TCP/IP model doesnt clearly distinguish between service,interval and protocol. 
2.The OSI model is a reference model. 
2.The TCP/IP model is an implementation of the OSI model. 
3.In OSI model,the protocols came after the model was described. 
3.In TCP/TP model,the protocols came first,and the model was really just a description of the existing protocols. 
4.In OSI model,the protocols are better hidden. 
4.In TCP/IP model ,the protocols are not hidden. 
5.The OSI model has 7 layers. 
The TCP/IP model has only 4 layers. 
6.The OSI model supports both connectionless and connection-oriented communication in the network layer,but only connection -oriented communication in transport layer. 
6.The TCP/IP model supports both connectionless and connection-oriented communication in the transport layer.,giving users the choice. 

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