While I was surfing on the internet this error with certificates appeared and I never heard about the website in the error message. Is for the first time when I have problems with web browser certificate and I don’t want that my personal information to be at the risk. Should I be worried about this error ? How can I fix this and prevent it to happen again ?
Thank you !
Verify Certificate
Address Book can’t verify the identity of the server “umce3excas01.ad.umanitoba.ca”.
The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be umce3excas01.ad.umanitoba.ca which could put your confidential information at risk.
Show Certificate Cancel continue
Address Book cannot verify the identity of the server
Security certificate errors usually appear when you visit a site with an expired security certificate but I haven’t encountered yet a security certificate error that will alert me of my computer’s address book. I’m not sure if it’s with your operating system since you are using a Mac OS X platform or with the website you happen to be visiting the time you received it.
Anyway, the best way to deal with it is just to ignore it. Just click Cancel in the dialog box and never select Continue because it will surely install a certificate on your system and maybe who knows whatever stuffs will follow. You may also see what website it is referring to by clicking on the Show Certificate button. But as always for your own security, anything related to this, always select Cancel not unless you know the site it is referring to.
Always keep your antivirus updated to keep it on guard for any attacks your computer might experience while it is online.