I am very new to GIMP, I am still in a learning stage. I have been trying to take a step by step effort to do the same. I am trying to execute a script and I am getting the following error message.
GIMP Message
Circle Message
Error while executing
(script-fu-circle-path 3 7 10 33 21)
ERROR: too few arguments (see errobj)
Since I am new to this, I was not sure of how to proceed further. I would be glad if someone helps me with this error pop up. I have a project to complete and any help on this is appreciated.
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Error while executing GIMP scripting
First of all you, check which version you are using. Maybe it is the older version and cannot support your system. Try to update the previous or the best thing is to uninstall it and download the new and latest version from a good source and make sure that your system supports the latest version.
Another thing is that there might be some corrupt files or some virus, which is resisting the running of your program. So try to scan your computer and repair the Windows and other files. Do this in normal mode, or the best thing is to do it from safe mode. Also check the plugin which is attached to GIMP.
Hope this will help you.
Error while executing GIMP scripting
You may be using the wrong procedure to execute the scripts in GIMP and that is why you are receiving the problem. As a workaround, you will need to try the following:
You will need to save the scripts that you want to execute on a folder on your computer, and then make sure that GIMP is running. You will then need to click on the <Toolbox>/Xtns/Script-Fu/Refresh Scripts, option, or you can alternatively choose to close and reopen the GIMP application.
In case you have done the above correctly, then you should be able to see the scripts in the menu under the following directory: <Image>/Script-Fu/Layer Effects. But in case the menu cannot be seen, then you will need to click <Toolbox>/Xtns/Script-Fu/Refresh Scripts one more time.
In case you still cannot see it, then you will need to ensure that the file is in your scripts folder, and the filename ends with ".scm", not ".txt" or ".scm.txt".
-Clair Charles