Uninstall Kingsoft Presentation 2012
Does anyone here know how to completely uninstall Kingsoft Presentation 2012 in Windows Vista 32-bit PC?
If so, please let me know the procedure.
Thank you.
Does anyone here know how to completely uninstall Kingsoft Presentation 2012 in Windows Vista 32-bit PC?
If so, please let me know the procedure.
Thank you.
 Hi Carson,
Please find the below mentioned steps to uninstall the application completely.
Step 1: Download Max Uninstaller, by clicking on the link below, save it to the desktop and run to install the application.
Follow the onscreen instructions to install the simple application.
Download Kingsoft Presentation 2012 uninstaller
Step2: Launch Max Uninstaller. Find out the KingsoftPresentation 2012 on the program list of Max Uninstaller, select it, and click "Run Analysis" button.
 Step3: The intelligent software will review uninstall program files and associated registry entries.
To complete the uninstallation process click on Uninstall.
Step4: The uninstallation will be initiated. Click on Yes to the dialog box
Step5: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstallation, click "Scan Leftover" button.
Step6: After a full scan, the software will delete every bits and pieces of the application to clean it up.
Step7: So you have completely uninstalled  Kingsoft Presentation 2012 and its related leftover files/extensions by Max Uninstaller. Click OK button to finish it.