Internal Software Error on Adobe Encore CS5

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I'm working on a DVD Project with Adobe Encore but this project is already done from before and I am just launching it now but it failed. Renaming or replacing the assets also failed. I'm not sure why this occurred in CS5. IS there someone here who encountered the same error? If so, how did you manage to fix it?

PGC "ze_E D I T" has an error at 00;28;49;25.

Internal software error: 50, line ze_E D I T – PGC Info: name = ze_E D I T, ref

=Xgpc, time – 00:28:49:25


Answered By 590495 points N/A #121554

Internal Software Error on Adobe Encore CS5


This is definitely a bad error and I think it will keep on appearing every time you open that particular DVD project. If you can’t open the project because the application suddenly crashes although you are using the same program, there might be something wrong with the version. It is possible that the DVD project you are trying to open was created and completed using a newer version of Adobe Encore.

And the reason why you can’t open the said project is that you are probably using an older version of the same application because usually you cannot open a file if the file was created using a newer version of the program and the one you are using is an older version. You need to check first what version of Adobe Encore the project was created.

To successfully open the project, you need to use the same version of Adobe Encore or much higher version.

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