Error occurred loading up netbeans

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Expert friends,

I am just a beginner, having hard time with this error. When I try to access a file in the disk I ended up with an error message. The error states that file not found but there is the file in the disk. I can able to see it. Why I got this error if the file is available? I am confused, please help me. Thanks.

Exception C:UsersFujitsu (Access is denied)


A java io.FileNotFoundException exception has occurred. However, the system should continue working without further problems.

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Answered By 590495 points N/A #185666

Error occurred loading up netbeans


That is an access denied error, a pretty common error where the affected file or folder is locked by a process in the system preventing any form of access into the file or folder either from the user or from other tasks on the computer. The common cause for this error is caused by system utilities running on the computer.

If you don’t have a disk utility or system utility running then maybe its process is running in the background common to programs that start with Windows. Another possible cause is your antivirus. Because it is pretty common for antivirus programs to monitor active programs, they often lock the file while it is being monitored and checked.

In your case, try closing netbeans first, restart your computer, and try it again. See if the error appears again. If the error is reproduced, exit netbeans and restart your computer again. Once the computer has booted, open your antivirus and disable it temporarily. After that run netbeans and restart what you are doing.

See if this fixes the problem. You may also try updating netbeans to the latest version.

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