SoundPackager – Ear Candy for your desktop SoundPackager

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Experts,

When I tried starting soundpackager it kept closing. I'm running windows 7 64-bit, tried reinstalling but that didn't help.

I also tried compatibility mode, and closing other programs that might conflict.

Any other ideas of what I could do?

Thanks for the solutions.


SoundPackager – Ear Candy for your desktop

SoundPackager – Ear Candy for your desktop has stopped working

A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

Answered By 0 points N/A #142683

SoundPackager – Ear Candy for your desktop SoundPackager


Hi Jolieyuliana. Nice to meet you here. 🙂

How about you problem? Is that still get problem? Here are what I'm think.

Had you ever try use the another sound hardware for example headphone or earphone

for your sound packager?

Coz I want to sure is that sound packager are problem or your ear candy are get problem..

Because had the other brand of ear candy can not accept through sound packager

or maybe you must adjust something the button on sound packager.

If still got problem, just tell here. I try see the other solution for you. 🙂

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