Error 0x205 when running eRecovery on Acer laptop

Hi! I have an Acer laptop and my problem is I always get Error 0x205 when I tried to run the eRecovery. How can I get rid of the error?

Hi! I have an Acer laptop and my problem is I always get Error 0x205 when I tried to run the eRecovery. How can I get rid of the error?
This is a known issue and ever the Acer Support personnel are aware of the problem.64-bit version of Windows Vista has been effected by this issue and burning a set of recovery disks on Acer laptops reveals the error 0x205.The issue has only been reported in Windows Vista, 64 bit and only Acer laptops are affected by the error.
Latest version of eRecovery V4.00.3008 is now been used to rectify the problem.
The new version of the software can be downloaded from the below mentioned link
The file is in the zipped form. Save the file to the desktop, extract the content of the zip and then run the executable. You will now be able to install the new version of the recovery on top of the one which is already present.
Yes, this error is a bug which Acer has identified and may occur if a user is running Acer Recovery Management on a 64-bit Microsoft Windows. This means the error is not only limited to users with 64-bit Microsoft Windows Vista. If a user is using Acer Recovery Management and the computer is running on 64-bit Microsoft Windows, the Acer Recovery Management application might generate an error saying “Error Code 0×205”.
Acer has already released an updated version of Acer Recovery Management which fixes the issue. If you are currently using 64-bit Microsoft Windows and you encounter the error after running Acer Recovery Management, download and install Acer Recovery Management Updated Version. The download is a ZIP file. Unpack it using WinZIP or 7-Zip. If you don’t have 7-Zip, download it from 7-Zip Latest for Windows.
You don’t need to uninstall the current Acer Recovery Management application installed on your computer. Simply run the installer and install the new version over the existing version.