Asked By
alwyn white
20 points
Posted on - 02/25/2012
In our corporate exchange server 2003, we are using Outlook 2007 SP1 on Windows XP SP2 in order to access emails. I am having problem here with putting address in the address space. While doing this it takes 5-15 seconds and my email windows hangs up until auto suggestion comes up. I tried some solutions but it recommends deleting .NK2 file which just helped reducing the waiting time. Is there any other solution?
Reducing auto suggestion time in the address space of Outlook 2007
Hello Alwyn.
Removing the NK2 (or the autocomplete cache) is one way of speeding up the autocomplete of the address bar. However, many users like you have reported that it’s only a temporary fix. Once the NK2 gets large again, the same problem will appear.
Some users report that an Outlook 2007 update from Microsoft will fix the slowdown. For details of the Outlook 2007 update, please refer to the link below:
Since the update is quite old, it would be better to just let Windows update apply updates for your Microsoft Office products.
Other users report that it is caused by a bug in McAfee VirusScan’s buffer overflow protection feature. Here are the full details on McAfee’s knowledgebase: