Hotspot Shield 1.07 installationerror occurred

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi all,

When I am in the middle of Hotspot Shield 1.07 installation I stuck up with this below error message. Because of this error I am not able to continue with the installation process. Do I need to install the TAP VPN device driver separately? I tried to re-install the Hotspot but again in the point I am getting this error. Please help. Thank you.

An error occurred installing the Tap VPN device driver.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #193017

Hotspot Shield 1.07 installationerror occurred


Hotspot Shield 1.07 is an old application released on September 3, 2008. But even if it is an old version it should not give you any problem if you are using Microsoft Windows Vista. Hotspot Shield 1.07 supports Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista. It will not work on later Microsoft Windows versions. If you have like Microsoft Windows 7 or Microsoft Windows 8, you should upgrade to a much newer version of Hotspot Shield.

If you are using Windows Vista, try reinstalling the program. Uninstall it, restart your computer, and install it again. Make sure you are using an administrator account to avoid any system restrictions during the installation. If the problem continues, upgrade to the latest version, Hotspot Shield 3.32. This one supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.

It doesn’t require installing additional components such as Microsoft .NET Framework to work. Just run the installer and install the application. And also, I read some bad user comments on this software so I think you better check it out first before deciding on paying something like monthly subscriptions.

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