Asked By
Haris Hppro
10 points
Posted on - 08/07/2011
I have T-mobile MDA-II mobile. For the security purpose and for the safety of my private data I always locked my phone with password. Last time I change my password from numeric password to alpha numeric. But password screen shows that your password only contain numeric and unfortunately my old password is also expired. How can I recover?
Answered By
0 points
Mobile Display password Feed Incorrectly
You should need to "Hard Reset" of your T-mobile MDA-ll mobile.
For hard reset following:
1. Press Comm Manager button with Voice Command button on Device.
2. To keep the both buttons pressed, and the message "Press Send to restore factory default" will appear on the screen.
3. Now release the two buttons and press "Send" button for reset Hard.
Hard Reset will return the device to original Configuration.
Thank you!
Mobile Display password Feed Incorrectly
want to must "Hard Reset" of your T-mobile MDA-ll mobile.
 Just for tough reset to zero sticking with:
 1. Click q=press
Comm Supervisor switch along with Tone Command word switch q=command
 for Unit.
2. To maintain this each keys
pushed, and also the information "Press q=send+to
 Send out in order to manufacturer default"
can look over the display.
 3. Right now relieve both switches
and also push "Send" button for reset Hard.
 Difficult totally reset may
come back these devices in order to unique Construction.
 Thanks a lot!