I need help in converting .docx to .pdf using MS-Office in Windows 7.
I tried to convert my .docx file to .pdf but I get this error:
The export failed due to an unexpected error.
What can I do to solve this problem?
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Error in Converting .docx to .PDF File
MS Office only allows users to convert files to PDF if you have its Plug-in, if you dont have one, you'll probably receive error messages.
to prevent it, You can download plug-in that allows you to Convert .doc, .docx files to .pdf file format.
Choose from the links below
MS office 2003: http://www.a-pdf.com/faq/convert-ms-word-2003-to-pdf-plug-in-freedownload.htm
MS office 2007:https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/details.aspx?id=7
You can choose from this options:
follow the steps below for your first option:
1. Open the file you want to convert.
2.Go to the Microsoft Word button
at the Top Left-hand corner.
3. Go to Save As> The click PDF(see image below)
4. Type the desired name then adjust some settings, choose a directory; and
5. Hit Publish.
For the Second Option, use Google if you have an account.
follow the steps below,
1. Go to Google Docs home page.
2. Click the Upload button to Select files,
3. Select the file you wish to convert then click Open.
4. Confirm your upload settings and click Start Upload.
5. Click on the Document to open it via Google.
6. Then Go to File > Download As > PDF.
7. Easily Save the PDF file.
If the above mention doesn't work out.
go to Word to PDF converting websites, it would surely work.
If it is not convenient,
Download .doc, .docx to .pdf Converter software.
Tell me if all of those options doesn't work, I'll provide more.