I tried to import simple project events into the Final cut pro x but when I tried to do so the following message appeared.
I wanted to know how can this be done.
Thanks for the help.
The document “20120920-173738-EDT.fcpproject” could not be opened.
The document “20120920-173738-EDT.fcpproject” could not be opened.
This is a known issue for Final Cut Pro user who upgraded to Final Cut Pro X. Apple Support confirmed projects done or edited using the previous version won’t open or be imported to Final Cut Pro X . If the project you were trying to import to Final Cut Pro X was an old fcpproject done on an older version say for example FCP 7, you’d need to continue editing it on that same old version. Importing an XML file version of this project won’t work still. This is something Apple Support has confirmed and editors who upgraded to FCP X had the same dilemma.