Asked By
betsy hupe
0 points
Posted on - 12/04/2012
Hello experts,
Is there a way to convert excel to mysql database? Or is there a program that can do converting from excel spreadsheet to mysql database? Please tell me how to do it. Can you give me links where I can download it? Thank you..
How to convert excel to MySQL database
To import data from Excel is very easy using the MySQL Command prompt and the LOAD DATA command.
Save your Excel file as a csv file (use Excel 2007).
Open a text editor like note pad and check what it actually looks like.
Start the MySQL Command Prompt
Enter this command:
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ‘C:\temp\yourfile.csv’ INTO TABLE database.table FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘;’ ENCLOSED BY ‘”‘ LINES TERMINATED BY ‘rn’ (field1, field2);
[Edit: Make sure to check whether you're using single quotes (') and double quotes (") if you copy and paste this code – it seems WordPress is changing them into some similar but different characters]