Error “your current settings do not allow you to send HTML Forms”

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Sometimes, my computer creates trouble in sending HTML forms. When HTML forms are listed on a website or contained in a mail. How can I solve the error message “your current settings do not allow you to send HTML Forms”?

Answered By 0 points N/A #101860

Error “your current settings do not allow you to send HTML Forms”


Hi Stephen,

Here's you're qustion;

Sometimes, my computer creates trouble in sending HTML forms. When HTML forms are listed on a website or contained in a mail. How can I solve the error message “your current settings do not allow you to send HTML Forms”?


This usually happens if you are using Internet Explorer as your browser. By default, Internet Explorer has security settings that allows you to set to low, medium and medium high or both. Changing the settings to low or medium will get this error message away. However, this will take a little risk because you are lowering you're security settings of your browser.

Here are a few steps to lower the settings;

Tip 1

Open Internet Explorer > Go To Tools at the Menu bar > Click Internet Options > Security Tab > Highlight Internet icon > Then Custom Level > Scroll Down go the bottom of page to then >Submit non encrypted form data > Enable it or Prompt it.

Tip 2

Open Internet Explorer > Go To Tools > Internet Options > Security Tab and change it to medium or low. This where the risk involve because you are lowering down the settings.


Install different browser such as Firefox and Google Chrome which you can download it for free.

Feel free to contact us if you have questions.

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