Winning streak of apple in wall street hit a downfall

Apple hold the top place in smartphone competition for a long time but recently hits a downfall.
What are the steps of apple to gain back it's position?

Apple hold the top place in smartphone competition for a long time but recently hits a downfall.
What are the steps of apple to gain back it's position?
Apple did not gain it’s success in overnight. It has been took a long time to gain it. And obviously a man is like Steve jobs, was the must for building the empire of Apples. But recently a rumor takes it’s place in the air. Probably after Steve jobs, it feels an unhappy and uncreative time for the company. It’s want o take new ways of innovations and step away from Steve jobs method. It’s new CEO Tim cook is probably the main factor of apples upcoming downfall. Where jobs detected the idea of mini iPad, Tim cook make the decision to launched this tech product. Is that the cause? Apple can make to remain his empire after launching iPhone 4s? There has a darkest probability to happen a downfall for apple.
But apples for the apple’s fan, need not to be worry. Because, it’s made history that, Apple come back again and again with it’s most ever innovative and enjoyable gadgets every time. And capture the market again. So I think Apple can.
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